Thursday, 25 June 2009


yet again I seem to be neglecting this blog - I run out of hours every day.....

I must admit I've been enjoying the sunshine - I hate being indoors when the sun shines.

I was rummaging through some boxes of jewellery I made a few years ago when I first discovered jewellery making. What has really surprised me is that my designs in those days seem to be fashionable now - I was making Y shaped necklaces but they didn't sell - was told people wanted jewellery to wear every day & mine was too OTT. I've now added some of these pieces to JKJ - some pieces have been updated slightly.

Tuesday, 16 June 2009

more jewellery

I've been making more resin pieces that are going to become a necklace - eventually. I bought a funky 60's style dress that Nick is going to hate (hidden in the wardrobe at the mo). It has large block colours in white, orange and pink. It inspired me to make myself a pair of earrings to match and I got carried away - I actually made up too much orange and pink resin. The resin has just about finished curing so I should be able to make the necklace (and earring for me) later today.

In the meantime here's some new jewellery...

all the above are on GroovyCart - click here

this ring is on MISI - click here

and the bracelet below is on FOLKSY - the blue circles are handmade resin - click here

Wednesday, 10 June 2009

Tuesday, 9 June 2009

Easy Craft Projects...

just had an email from Lisa - she's having major problems with the Easy Craft Projects site - servers and all that techy stuff - the server company not Lisa - so if anyone has been trying to access ECP, big apologies, she's working really hard to get things up and working again - and fingers crossed Lisa that you haven't lost everything you've been working on recently...

I got some new resin molds recently - chunky square shapes and big, oversized hearts - and have just added some new items to BEADS on GroovyCart.

Wednesday, 3 June 2009

lovely sunshine

I've been enjoying this lovely sunshine - didn't realise how long since I last blogged!
I have found time to sort out my BEADS shop on GroovyCart. All stock that has sold has been removed. I'm letting the shop go back to a free bronze level shop so I can keep the prices as low as possible. This means I can only have 30 items although if I plan things properly I can have 3 different beads/pendants/colours per item so 90 in total. My JKJ Craft Markets shop will have more beads and pendants in the JUST K BEADS category. I'm in the process of taking photos and adding the beads and pendants to CM...