Wednesday, 18 February 2009

pebble jewellery...

I wanted to make some small stud earrings but none of my "bought" molds are small enough. I ended up in the garden looking for some small pebbles or stones that were the right shape & size to make my own molds.
This pair of earrings are my first attempt...

They've worked better than I expected - I've been out in the garden again this afternoon loooking for more pebbles but this time a variety of different sizes. I'm hoping to make some slightly bigger ones for cufflinks.
These earrings are for sale on for £6. I'm going to make more using both silver plated and sterling silver ear posts.

1 comment:

  1. Just wondering where you got the beautiful buttons you used to make the button bracelet featured in Easy Craft Projects? Can you e-mail me the information?
